Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bazroom Broblems and More Langauge

Here’s why going to the bathroom in Egypt is a royal pain in the ass-literally. Mariam thinks it should be an Olympic event. Agreed. To be able to squat over a toilet while making sure your pants don’t touch the soaking wet floor (don’t ask me why the bathroom floors are always, always wet) then realize there is no toilet paper and you will have to let go of one of your pant legs to reach behind you and turn on the water bidet while still keeping the squat position. It’s pretty much bathroom twister. If you’re lucky, you’ll come out with one wet pant-leg, like me at Pizza Pino in Port Said. Tisoney Illaria (who is hilarious) took us there. When we got back to The Good Shepard school/covenant where we’re staying and they asked where we went, we told them Pizza Pino. For a moment they looked confused and then one said, “oooh, Bizza Bino!” The Arabic language doesn’t have a P. So all P words become B words.

Examples. “That’s not appropriate” turns into “Zat’s not abbrobriate”
“Give me the paper” turns into “Give me za baber.”

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